Sunday, 4 March 2007

Training: EF-Little Hadam-Dane End-EF

This ride was to make up for the fact that I missed out on the Chiltern ride - basically woke up a bit too late. It was a completely new route. Oh, forgot to take my HR belt with me :(

Ride started out dry but overcast and a light tailwind on the way out - nice conditions though a bit cold. I was trying out my new Pearl Izumi bibs for the first time and I'd fitted my Vittoria Rubino Pros the night before...loved both of them. Got a little lost after about 30km covered - looks like I'd plotted a route through a dead end on my GPS. Backtracked for a mile and found a different route that eventually joined back onto my Garmin route.

Soon after I was out into lovely country roads and even came across a railway crossing that I had to wait at. Rode with an Irish rider from Ware for a couple of miles but he turned off my route. Got a bit lost again and actually missed out about 15-miles of the ride I was meant to do, but in retrospect it was a good thing because the rain and wind started up after about 40-miles covered.

The rest of the ride slowly deteriorated into misery as I was lashed with fierce conditions. After Hertford I turned onto the hilly part of the Suburban Breakout route (but in reverse) - more misery and pain. Eventually got back home feeling very sore, tired, cold and quietly very happy that I'd survived. Time for the recovery position good, hot food and catch a DVD or 2.

View this ride data at Motionbased


Distance: 72.59 miles

Speed:16.8 mph

Pace:3' 34 /mi


Elevation (ft.)

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