Sunday, 10 February 2008

EF-Redbourn-Gaddesden-Watford-EF (89.6km)

Another lovely day for riding and another huge club turnout for today's foray into the Chilterns. Feeling very sluggish at the start, my body felt like it was paying from yesterday's efforts, but as the ride went on I started feeling better and stronger. Despite this increase in energy I'd only planned to do about 75-80km as I didn't want to overcook myself after just coming back from sickness.

As with Saturday's ride there was another new guy who didn't really know what he was doing and had to be guided as to the workings of a paceline. There were a few nasty comments from some of the regulars and Dominic kept grabbing this guy's jersey and placing him in the right spot on the road. Poor guy looked like a nervous wreck!

Once we went over Gaddesden, Dave, Graham and I turned off from the group ride and rode nice and smoothly through Hemel Hempsted and Watford back to London. We kept the speed fairly high but manageable, sharing the pace making almost all the way. I felt great and thought I could keep turning those pedals forever...

Bit disappointed that I didn't keep going with the main group over the nastier climbs (Toms and Ivinghoe), but happy that I was able to restrain myself for the "greater good" and ended up having a sweet ride overall.

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