Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Another crash!

Riding home from work tonight I took the second to last 90-degree turn before getting home a bit too leaned over and my back wheel slid out. Couldn't keep upright and just went down - hard. I must have been doing about 40kph (25-mph) and the road was just slightly wet from the first bit of drizzle of the night - perfect recipe for disaster...

Damages: one scraped knee, one bruised hand, one rear derailleur bent, derailleur hanger snapped, right shifter bent inwards and ruined bar tape.

Conclusion: I'm an idiot for taking my eye off the ball - should have known better as the same thing happened about 2 months ago.

EDIT: Good thing is that a car full of women stopped to see if I was OK - yeah sure - just a bit of blood. Swallowed the pain, brushed self off and said I'd be fine and walked the last half-kilometer home.

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