Saturday 13 October 2007

Training: EF-Colney Heath-Radlett-Whetstone-EF

Ride started off with a nice 30kph avg on the flats and I felt pretty good. On the first ascent a Rapha Condor rider (I think he was their manager or something) had a nasty crash and we all stopped to give him a hand. His left crank arm had been over-greased and came off under the torque of the climb. His legs were pretty scatched up and he banged his head on the road (no helmet) and it appeared he could have been concussed.

After Stav put his crank back on we carried on at a mediocre pace, but we stopped a couple more times because the guy who'd crashed was having some more problems. Most of us carried on at a more aggressive pace after the last stop while Stav and another guy stayed with the injured rider. The pace was reckless al the way back to the coffee shop and I was just hanging on at the back, but managed to stay on.

Good, hard paced ride, but a pity about the crash. I'm now a bit paranoid as to how much grease I have in my cranks!

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