Wednesday, 4 October 2006

Winter's here

Good ride in this morning, but noticed that the temperature has definited dropped a bit - arm warmers and under-shirt were the order of the morning ride. Traffic was busy as usual.

Stopped off at a bike shop on my way home to pick up a pair of clear riding glasses. Just as I left the shop the skies opened up and I got a good drenching - this forced me to pull over and put on my overshoes. I didn't bring my raincoat with me, so I just got wet. Oh well!

Riding was pretty dangerous and I could hardly see anything wearing my new glasses - I eventually put them away and just blinked my way through the downpour. The traffic became steadily worse and had to deal with a few cowboys in their death cages - why is it always the damn BMW and Audi drivers that seem to have the smallest brains?

Today was a good reminder of how scary the roads can be for cyclists.

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