Friday, 6 October 2006

Rain ride

Something crazy was happening in London today - my entire route was choked full of cars - one of the worst traffic jams I've seen in this city. Maybe it had something to do with the rain - absolutely chucking down. My ride was spent weaving between sitting cars - not my idea of a nice ride home...

2 close calls riding up Archway hill - first one was a pedestrian just walking out from between cars. Had to slam brakes on very hard and screamed at him to get his attention - very narrow escape as he saw me about half a second before I came sliding up to him. I called him a f***ing a****** because he was.

Second was a car that cut me off about 2 minutes later. I leaned into her window afterwards and called her a f***ing prick because from through her back window she looked like a man. Didn't have the time or patience to correct myself.

Anyway - got home in one piece...

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