Sunday, 17 June 2007

Training: EF-Dane End-Buntingford-Walkern-Colney Heath-EF

Well, I turned up early for the group ride and waited until 10am but no one arrived. Just as I was about to depart for a solo mission, Werner came wheeling in, so we took off for our Sunday ride. The road through Dane End to Buntingford was flooded in some places from the heavy rain the night before so our progress was impeded in parts - gravel around corners and huge pools in dips in the road.

After trying a random route and discovering a dead end we finally made it to Buntingford - which is where I discovered my pedal was squeaking strangely. We stopped to tighten it only to be overtaken by a huge group of 20-30 riders. Werner asked if I wanted to jump on the train - hell yes! We TT'd for a 1-2km to catch the group and sat in the back for a few minutes recovering once caught. They seemed like a pretty decent group and got chatting to a couple of guys - they were from St. Albans - just down the road from Potter's Bar. I was given details of there meeting place and time - I discussed this with Werner and suggested we hook up with these guys on Sundays from now on. He agreed.

The pace was brisk but nothing too heavy - I liked it. We stayed with them for 50km and eventually turned to Potters Bar when they made a turn for St. Albans. I was pretty tired at the end of the ride and Werner admitted he was feeling it too - we went our separate ways - we'll see each other again in about 3 weeks. Werner is doing a 200km Audax next weekend and I'm doing the British Sportive 192km the weekend after. The weekend after that is the Tour de France starting in London which I'll definitely go and watch over the 3 days its in England.

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