Thursday 12 October 2006

Past couple of days

Sunday I decided to take it easy as I was really knackered after Saturday's ride.

Monday's commute was nothing special.

Yesterday morning I went to see an ostiopath for my bad lower back and proceeded to go for a ride straight afterwards! I took a 35km ride in the Barnet-Potter's Bar area in the afternoon. It was a cool, overcast afternoon, but not cold enough to wear arm warmers. I actually had a really great ride - it felt really gentle on my legs but was suprised to see my average speed at at the end of the ride being just over 30kph.

Commuted today and it was a bit rainy this morning, but not cold. Had my dodgy bottom bracket replaced this afternoon by Matt, the owner of my LBS. He charged me nothing for a new BB and nothing for the maintenance and even threw in a free bike stand - this guy is amazing and he really looks after me - always throwing in freebies and giving me discounts on stuff. He's also a really cool guy to chat to about cycling and anything in general. Definitely one of my top five best people I know! Go Matt!

Also, I managed to get my best time up Archway hill today 1.8km in 4min and 10 seconds - 25.7kph, though I must say that halfway up there is a flat spot for about 150m where I usually catch my breath before the final push up past Highgate station.

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