Monday, 30 April 2007


Tough day's solo riding - very windy and pretty warm. Started out too quickly and by 60km covered I was getting pain in my calves. The hills north of Stevenage and the unrelenting headwind from the east didn't help much. By the time I'd hit Hertford I was bonking badly, so stopped for a Lucozade. The hills up to Brickendon and through to Potter's Bar were a nightmare and I started to get a very worrying little voice in my head that was saying that this was all too much and I should just quit. Several times during this period I felt like throwing up, but managed to hold it together until I arrived home.

Despite the poor avg speed, I look at today's ride as a reminder that if you push it too hard too early, you will pay for it later...big time!

Distance: 126.1km / 78.4mi
Time: 4:26:25 (5 min subtracted due to traffic)
Speed: 28.4kph / 17.7mph
Calories: 5008
Elevation Gain: 1274m
Heart Rate: 154bpm (avg), 178bpm (max)

View this ride data at Motionbased

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